Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Big 70

Yes that is right. Dad turn 70 today. The big event that happened today was my sister Carrie flew in from Philadelphia. We had a simple dinner of split pea soup and homemade rolls (Dad was very excited to get this meal). We are waiting to have the big party on Saturday, when more family will be here. I will post pictures of the big party.
People who where born the exact same day as Dad
Baseball player Billy Bryan (MLB)
American political figure, Andre Verne Marrou affiliated with the Libertarian Party.
2 day after Dad was born, Franco-German peace declaration signed.
I tried finding out more interesting things that happened the day Dad was born but this is all I could find. So I guess it is easliy declared that on December 4 1938 the most exciting thing that happened was my Dad was born. And on his 37 birthday he got the best gift he could ask for, a baby girl, my big sister Julia.
Happy Birthday to two very special people in my life.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad!