Sunday, December 21, 2008

Who's that handsome Fellow????

If you don't know who this is let me give you a guess. It is who this whole blog is about.
So here is the skinny on this new look. We recently got Dad to start using his electric razor by himself. Before Jeremiah kept teasing Dad that if he helped Dad out he would shave the whole thing off. Dad would usally respond with a look of 'yeah go right on ahead'. Well one evening Mom gave Dad his electic razor and left the bathroom to get some things done. Upon returning she found Dad with chunks missing from his mustache.
Mom responded with a "John what did you do" .
Dad responded with a "giggle giggle giggle".
Mom spent a good part of a half an hour shaving off the rest. When Jeremiah and I returned for running an errand, Dad was beaming with his new look. He had a good laugh as I, who don't remember ever seeing my father with out a mustache or a beard, couldn't stop staring at him. And all the kids responses. Michael has let Grandpa know that he does not like his new look. I think it is very becoming of him. And really shows off how much weight he has lost.

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