Wednesday, November 12, 2008


For dinner I was making biscuits and gravy. Well I decided to have Dad help me make the biscuits. Once I had the dough made I helped Dad stand at the counter. Dad rolled out the dough and cut out all the biscuits. I thought he would want to stop once we finished the first cutting, but he helped me put all the biscuits on the pan and stayed at the counter until all the dough was used up. I actually did very little to help. Mom came home right before we finished. She was very excited to see Dad standing at the counter helping. She was very suprised to find out he had been there for about 10 min. As I helped Dad sit down he let out a sigh of exhaustion. I just kind of laughed and asked if he was tired. He was very proud of himself though. When Jeremiah got home he was happy to report of his hand in making dinner. I will have to find more things to have him help me make.
I am sorry I didn't get a picture. I was too nervous to leave him at the counter very long. Next time.

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