Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sad News

Mom was just informed this last week that Dad's therapy would end at the end of May. This was a hard blow. The only reason to stop the therapy is because Dad is no longer showing progress and the insurance will only cover it if he is showing progress. I am not sure how if effected Dad he seemed to already know when Mom told me. I was trying so hard not to cry. I just felt there was so much more I could have done. Lately though Dad has been refusing to work with me. The one upside of this is Mom will be out of school by the time Dad therapy ends and she will be able to work with him a lot more during the summer. And next school year I will have all the boys in school full time so I will have more time to work with him too. Please pray for us. If Dad starts showing progress again we can get him back into therapy.

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